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Tag Archives: business

Vote for job creation, favorable business climate and prosperity

The Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber is proud to participate in the  Iowa Prosperity Project (P2) sponsored by Economic Progress for Iowa ‘s Citizens (EPIC), a not-for-profit entity founded in 1991 by a number of businesses and statewide business associations. EPIC is a non-partisan organization dedicated to research and the dissemination of data on the attitudes of Iowa ‘s citizens, legislators, and legislative candidates on matters affecting business.

Like the GCVAC, EPIC believes that Iowa and its citizens will benefit from a “pro-business” environment. The resources found on the P2 website neither endorse nor oppose any candidate for public office, rather, it is a resource to inform the electorate by publicizing issues and factual information on those issues, and to be active participants in the political process.

The GCVAC encourages you to subscribe our Legislative Relations blog where we will be providing local insights and links to resources including P2 .
Use the link in the right side column to subscribe.

With all the political messages filling the media, it can be confusing whose name will be on your local ballet.
Find your candidates by entering your full street address below. You may also enter just your zip code if you wish.
Click here.

Use this search form to find your elected officials at all levels of government  and  see how your incumbent performed in the last term.
Click here.

Election Insights is a political analysis publication of the Business Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC). BIPAC is an independent, bipartisan organization, that is supported by several hundred of the nation’s leading businesses and trade associations.

“The importance of election at the state level cannot be emphasized enough. While most of the focus and attention revolves around the tightening presidential race and a few contests for the U.S. Senate, what happens at the state level is typically more relevant to our daily lives and the pocket book issues Americans rate as the most important issue facing the country.”  – By Michael R. Davis

Read more here

“. . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right.”

– Thomas Jefferson


Total Resource Campaign – Brings Value & Opportunity to Local Business

Be Part of Something Greater – the Cedar Valley of Iowa is more than a tag line. It is an invitation to be part of the largest business organization in Northeast Iowa. It is an invitation to leverage the reputation, opportunities, and the benefits of being an investor that the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber offers. An investment in the GCVAC gives your company the opportunity to gain exposure for your product or service, and build brand awareness through event and advertising sponsorships. Involvement helps keep you up to date with the latest public policy and legislative issues, and provides frequent opportunities to network with local business leaders who are committed to the strength and vitality of the Cedar Valley regional economy. Business services and resources are also available to help with workforce and expansion needs. Here are three ways your company or organization can benefit from investing in the GCVAC:

1. GCVAC Website/Mobile app Investor Directory

The GCVAC website is a resource for the both B2B decision makers and consumers when searching for other area businesses to work with. As an investor/member you receive an online directory listing with links to your website, videos, social media channels and coupon promotions. A directory is also printed annually and distributed throughout the community and in relocation packets. The soon to be released mobile versions of the investor directory will put your company’s contact information in the palm of consumers’ hands for convenient dialing and mapping.

2. B2B Targeted Marketing

With approximately 900 investor/member businesses and organization, promoting your company’s brand, events, or milestones through our e-newsletter, Business Monthly newsletter, mailing label or fax distribution service are cost effective ways to reach approximately 1,500 subscribers or more. Only GCVAC investor/members have this kind of access to the engaged local business community.

3. Sponsor or Host a GCVAC event

GCVAC events are wildly popular! These events often sell out. Sponsors and hosts are highlighted in various ways through promotions, print pieces and signage, and in some cases companies are given opportunity to speak or have a display table at certain events. Sponsorships come at a variety of price points to accommodate businesses large or small.

A team of GCVAC volunteers are available to speak with you about the sponsorship opportunities that best suit your marketing needs. Through the Total Resource Cam­paign (TRC) you can design your sponsorships to work with your annual marketing budget.

For more information about GCVAC investor/membership and sponsorships contact Bette Wubbena, Director of Member Services or Business Manager, Kim Schleis­man by e-mail at bwubbena@cedarvalleyalliance.com, kschleisman@cedarvalleyalliance.com or call 319-232-1156.

Call for Nominations and Applications Diversity & Inclusion Awards

These awards will be given for outstanding contribution by a business or organization for leadership in creating and strengthening an environment of diversity and inclusion in the workplace culture, business practices and in the community.  Awards will be made in three catagories based on the size of the business or organization.

 Awards to be presented at the 2013 Annual Celebration, March 7, 2013 at the Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center, Waterloo.

The application is a great score card to use in evaluating your company’s Diversity & Inclusion practices. Please contact the Bob Justis at the GCVAC if you intend to participate.

More information and application here.





Cedar Valley of Iowa -The 2nd Annual Dream Big Grow Here Cedar Valley contest concluded on the evening of October 18th, 2012 with a “pitch-off” by five finalist of the online popular vote portion of the $5,000 grant contest.

The winner of the pitch-off, Lizzy Mae’s Cupcakes & Sweets – pitched by Dawn Pursell of Waverly, was chosen by a panel of business entrepreneurs and experts from the fields of law, technology, finance and entertainment. Twenty-one start-ups and small businesses participated in the popular online voting generating over 9,300 votes, from 44 states and 16 countries.

The Dream Big Grow Here Cedar Valley competition provides early stage and emerging small business an additional financial boost to accelerate the growth of their business.  The contest was open to start-up and small businesses in the Cedar Valley Economic Area comprised of Butler, Bremer, Buchanan, Black Hawk, Chickasaw, Grundy, and Tama counties.

“This year we saw more businesses competing in the contest take advantage of the free business services available through the University of Northern Iowa, MyEntrenet and the Small Business Development Center” commented Steve Dust, CEO, Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber.

“This is the whole point of the contest…helping these individuals take their business idea to the next level.” added Nate Clayberg, Chair, Cedar Valley Marketing Partnership.

Both the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber and the Cedar Valley Regional Partnership were regional sponsors of the statewide contest.  Lizzy Mae’s Cupcakes & Sweets will compete March 7, 2013 for a chance to win $10,000 at the statewide pitch off sponsored by MyEntre.net during their annual conference. Pursell plans to use the prize money to expand her baking operation and open a store front in Waverly.

Other event sponsors for the Dream Big Grow Here Cedar Valley Pitch-Off event included, MyEntre.net, UNI’s Business Incubator, Point Builders and PDCM Insurance.

Other finalist included:

Computer Troubleshooters Computer Service and Sales(Cory Vieth) – Waterloo, Eat Cakes Cakery (Elizabeth Wilson)– Hudson , Watapri (Jane Zehr)– Waverly, and Recycle Rite Inc. (Brian Hoyer)- Cedar Falls.

Kate Washut of Far Reach Technologies moderated the Pitch-off. The judges panel included; Wade Arnold CEO of Banno; Darin Beck CEO of Barmuda MMC; Eric Johnson of Beecher, Field, Walker, Morris, Hoffman & Johnson, P.C.; Mark Stewart of Prime Logic Partners and Nick Evens of  The Veridian Group.


Returning to the Dream Big Grow Here Cedar Valley Pitch-Off event and delivering the keynote was author Sarah Miller Caldicott, great grand niece of Thomas Edison. Caldicott’s presentation How Collaboration Drives Innovation: A Midnight Lunch with Thomas Edison, was based on a soon to be released book. Co – author of the book Innovate Like Edison, Caldicott has recently released an e-book titled Inventing the Future: What Would Thomas Edison be Doing Today.


Dust added, “Cedar Valley Innovation Day is one way to celebrate the strength and vitality of the individual entrepreneurial drive in the Cedar Valley economic area, and the improvements it brings our businesses and lives.


The contestants of Dream Big Grow Here-Cedar Valley have taken the first steps to growing the next dominant business with whatever product or service improvement they have put into the marketplace. These aren’t hobbies, or businesses that plan to remain garage-based operations. DBGH-Cedar Valley contestants are in the mold of many, many other Cedar Valley dreamers who started with a vision to help businesses and consumers to do something better – innovating. Their success at innovation has earned them a place among the best in the nation in their industries. Remember, the innovation of John Froelich and his partners in the Waterloo Gasoline Traction Engine Co. – introducing gasoline powered traction – changed agriculture around the globe. It’s that commitment to find new, better ways to produce and provide in America’s Free Enterprise system – innovation – from the Cedar Valley – that is celebrated in this event.


Cedar Valley Innovation Day is a way to inform and demonstrate why it’s critical to create a welcoming place for people to innovate. We need that brainpower – continually striving to find the next better way to do something – create – make – or deliver something – to expand our economy. Encouraging, welcoming and celebrating innovation is still another way to Be Part of Something Greater – the Cedar Valley of Iowa.”


More information about Lizzy Mae’s Cupcakes & Sweets can be found at www.facebook.com/LizzyMaes Cupcakes Sweets.


Plans are already underway for the 2013 Dream Big Grow Here Cedar Valley & Cedar Valley Innovation Day.  Businesses and individuals interested in participating or sponsorships should contact the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber at 319-232-1156.


Hawkeye Community College to Host Opportunities Career Fair on October 24

WATERLOO—Hawkeye Community College is hosting an Opportunities Career Fair, which will be held on Wednesday, October 24.  Hours are from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Health Education and Services Center, located on the college’s campus, 1501 East Orange Road, Waterloo.

The event is free and open to the public.  Job seekers are encouraged to dress to impress and to bring a copy of their resume.  Sponsors include Associated Solutions, HyPro, Inc., CRST International, and Mediacom.  More than 45 employers will be on hand to discuss job opportunities and to set-up interviews.  Other companies that will be in attendance include Wheaton Franciscan, Veridian Credit Union, Accumold, and many others.  For more information, log on to the college’s web site at www.hawkeyecollege.edu/go/career-fair or call 319-296-4297.

Businesses are looking for employees for variety of positions including computer networking, welding, CNC machining, nurses and healthcare workers, CDL drivers, sales, accounting and finance, industrial maintenance, test technicians, mold makers, and more.


Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber sets date for Pre- Legislative Reception

The GCVAC Government Relations Committee, chaired by Mike McCrary, Lincoln Savings Bank, and GCVAC Director of Director of Government Relations Steve Firman have set December 5th, 2012 as the date for the Cedar Valley Pre- Legislative Reception. The event will take place at the Isle Casino and Hotel Waterloo, 77 Isle of Capri Blvd., at 4:30 pm.

The Pre-Session Legislative Reception is a two hour meet and mingle with area leaders from across the Cedar Valley region. Only brief introductions of the legislators in attendance, along with brief comments from each sponsor, make up the program. All area senators and representatives are invited. Investors/members should attend to indicate broad-based support for pro-market, pro-business policies and the projects and programs that will make the Cedar Valley an even better place to live and operate a business.

Sponsors for the event are the Cedar Valley Manufacturers Association, the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber, and the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives.

More information and registration can be found here.

MidAmerican Energy’s senior management and topic experts host event for business

MidAmerican Energy EMPOWER U sessions will offer  the latest, most comprehensive information you need to make informed decisions for our community and your business. Topics of discussion will include Rates, the Future Electric Generation, Energy and Budgeting/Planning Policy. The Waterloo EMPOWER U will take place Oct. 25at Hawkeye Community College — Tama Hall. It is a free event, but  an RSVP is required. Seating is limited and spaces fill quickly.  Please go to the EMPOWER U website for details and to register.

Responses from Representative Walt Rogers

The following responce is from Representative Walt Rogers to questions posed from GCVAC Director of Government Relations Steve Firman.

  1. Our goal for this year was to continue a budget that is predictable, sustainable and does not spend more than we take in.  We accomplished that.  Dollar for dollar, we are spending less than we did in 2010.  Business owners tell me they need state government to continue in those practices of predictability.  My principle of smaller smarter governments rests on the truth that a dollar that stays in the hands of the business owner is more efficiently spent then if it goes to government.  I will continue to work for results that follow this belief, even while the opposing party works against this idea.
  2. Tax relief is a must and will continue to be a focus for the leaders in the republican party.  We proposed five different property tax relief proposals this past session, each being denied by the Iowa Senate.  The Democrats continue to push for a band aid approach of property tax relief, calling for a buy down of rates.  This does not fix the systemic problem.   We will work for real property and income tax relief.  We will also work to eliminate feckless regulations and burdensome rules that hamstring businesses, so that they can turn their profits into jobs.


Representative Walt Rogers

Representing HD 20 –Waterloo,Cedar Falls, Hudson, and Voorhies

(515) 281-3221

Cedar Valley Chamber Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Five years ago today, the election results were tallied and we found well in excess of 90% of our members had approved the merger of the two Chambers! This was, and still is acknowledged as a significant step for the businesses of our region to achieve this level of unity, recognizing that our economic interests are mutual, regardless of where we’re located. Good job! To our business and civic leaders who led – and still lead – the efforts to act in unity in matters relating to the economy and overall civic progress.

Grow Cedar Valley

We are the leader in bringing business and community together to grow opportunities for the Cedar Valley. Partner with us to grow your business. Together we'll help the Cedar Valley thrive.