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Tag Archives: Cedar Falls

Cedar Valley Chamber Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Five years ago today, the election results were tallied and we found well in excess of 90% of our members had approved the merger of the two Chambers! This was, and still is acknowledged as a significant step for the businesses of our region to achieve this level of unity, recognizing that our economic interests are mutual, regardless of where we’re located. Good job! To our business and civic leaders who led – and still lead – the efforts to act in unity in matters relating to the economy and overall civic progress.

Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber Launches New Online Resource

(06/14/2012, Waterloo, IA) – The Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber announced today the debut of their new business-focused website. The Alliance & Chamber brought the features and related information from multiple economic development and chamber of commerce sites, into one integrated web presence (www.cedarvalleyalliance.com).

The Alliance & Chamber’s website serves as a resource for new and growing businesses, important economic and community data including economic profiles, demographics, major employers, cost of living and more. In addition, it will highlight tools and resources for members including legislative advocacy efforts, quality of life amenities, education and workforce resources, as well as business education and networking events and promotional opportunities for member/ investors.

To increase traffic, this media-rich website has maximized search engine optimization, social media integration, and value-added features such as a events calendar and enhanced membership directory. The directory now includes links to investor websites, video, introduction, and social media. These features, along with tools to promote events and products will provide greater exposure and drive more traffic to member/investor websites and locations.

Fresh content, relevant to the business community will be posted frequently including the latest press releases, community and economic news, TechWorks and legislative advocacy updates, and timely postings from the CEO. The new media center allows visitors to access links to online versions of print publications and newsletters with Courier Communications and other Cedar Valley media partners. The video and photo galleries give viewers a more complete picture of the Cedar Valley communities and resources.

The flexibility of the new site allows information about the entire Cedar Valley economic area to be added.

To further enhance the sites value proposition to investors and users, a mobile application will be launched later this summer. The application, will allow smart phone users to access the fully searchable investor business directory, find businesses closest to them, access information about current promotions, provide single click mapping and dialing to businesses, plus news and event reminders.

“The new website is an advanced tool for providing resources and information to our investors, the Cedar Valley and businesses considering locating to our region,” explains Steven J. Dust Greater Cedar Valley Alliance and Chamber CEO, “It helps us achieve our primary goal; to provide information instantly that accommodates both today’s product selection and buying decisions as well as business location decisions.”

The Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber brings together nearly 900 businesses, local governments, healthcare and educational institutions to make the Cedar Valley of Iowa one of the nation’s best places to do business and enjoy life. With the support and efforts of the investors and member volunteers, the Alliance & Chamber serves as a conduit for information about the region, its businesses and the issues that affect them and provides opportunities for significant professional networking, business education and promotion. The Alliance & Chamber supports workforce & talent development, and aggressively works to improve our positive climate for business expansion and growth.

The Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber encourages interested parties to Be Part of Something Greater by visiting www.cedarvalleyalliance.com.

Grow Cedar Valley

We are the leader in bringing business and community together to grow opportunities for the Cedar Valley. Partner with us to grow your business. Together we'll help the Cedar Valley thrive.