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WATERLOO/CEDAR FALLS, IOWA (Jan., 2013) – The Board of Directors of the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber recently adopted the 2013 Cedar Valley Agenda for Economic Progress. Assembled by its Government Relations Committee, local economic development partners, and its staff team of the Alliance & Chamber, the Agenda, assembled annually, reflects the priority issues requiring action by the Iowa Legislature to advance the business and civic interests of the Cedar Valley economic area.

The five areas of focus are: (1) economic development programs and incentives, (2) talent and workforce development and recruitment, (3) improving Iowa’s tax climate, (4) education transformation, and (5) critical physical infrastructure.

“Our Iowa agenda is focused on business climate, competitiveness, and critical workforce issues, said Steve Firman, Director of Government Relations of the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber. “It’s also about making Iowa and the Cedar Valley more competitive and attractive for starting and expanding businesses of all sizes, and building a career,” Firman concludes.

The agenda was formally announced during a December 5th Pre-session Legislative Reception event for the Cedar Valley delegation of the Iowa legislature. The annual reception is traditionally co-sponsored by the Alliance & Chamber, Cedar Valley Manufacturers Associations, and REC of Butler-Bremer-Buchanan-Grundy Counties- each of which unveil their respective agendas for the session – and hosted by the Isle Casino Hotel – Waterloo. The legislators attending the event this year included: Sen. Bill Dix and Sen. Bill Dotzler, Rep. Pat Grassley, Rep. Sandy Salmon, Rep. Walt Rogers, and Rep. Bob Kressig.

The Government Relations Committee is chaired by Mike McCrary of Lincoln Savings Bank. The  Legislative Agenda can be accessed at the Alliance & Chamber Government Relations web page  Iowa Prosperity Project-Cedar Valley.


The Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber is a regional economic and community development organization focused on increasing economic vitality and improving the quality of life in the Cedar Valley economic region. Cedar Valley area business and community leaders created the Alliance to align economic development efforts and increase the region’s competitiveness in the global economy. Combined, the organization represents over 900 businesses with 50,000 employees.


GCVAC Encourages Legislators to Work Together for Economic Growth

 “The 2013 legislative session can do a great deal to promote economic growth, but the promise it holds can only be fulfilled if the policy makers work toward a shared goal of increasing economic growth, creating more well-paying jobs,” stated GCVAC CEO, Steve Dust in a recent Courier article. Dust, along with business leaders from across the state are optimistic about the amount of attention tax issues that effect business growth are getting from both sides of the isle. Read the entire artcle by ROD BOSHART, here.

Economic Impact of Highways & DOT Budget

During a recent meeting of the Economic Development Policy committee of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry, chaired for the day by Mark Hanawalt, GCVAC investor and CEO of United Business Accessories, the Iowa Dept. of Transportation made a presentation on the needs for highway improvements. Here’s a link to the portion of the presentation on the economic impact of the highway system and program.


Vote for job creation, favorable business climate and prosperity

The Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber is proud to participate in the  Iowa Prosperity Project (P2) sponsored by Economic Progress for Iowa ‘s Citizens (EPIC), a not-for-profit entity founded in 1991 by a number of businesses and statewide business associations. EPIC is a non-partisan organization dedicated to research and the dissemination of data on the attitudes of Iowa ‘s citizens, legislators, and legislative candidates on matters affecting business.

Like the GCVAC, EPIC believes that Iowa and its citizens will benefit from a “pro-business” environment. The resources found on the P2 website neither endorse nor oppose any candidate for public office, rather, it is a resource to inform the electorate by publicizing issues and factual information on those issues, and to be active participants in the political process.

The GCVAC encourages you to subscribe our Legislative Relations blog where we will be providing local insights and links to resources including P2 .
Use the link in the right side column to subscribe.

With all the political messages filling the media, it can be confusing whose name will be on your local ballet.
Find your candidates by entering your full street address below. You may also enter just your zip code if you wish.
Click here.

Use this search form to find your elected officials at all levels of government  and  see how your incumbent performed in the last term.
Click here.

Election Insights is a political analysis publication of the Business Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC). BIPAC is an independent, bipartisan organization, that is supported by several hundred of the nation’s leading businesses and trade associations.

“The importance of election at the state level cannot be emphasized enough. While most of the focus and attention revolves around the tightening presidential race and a few contests for the U.S. Senate, what happens at the state level is typically more relevant to our daily lives and the pocket book issues Americans rate as the most important issue facing the country.”  – By Michael R. Davis

Read more here

“. . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right.”

– Thomas Jefferson


Link Helps to Inform Voters

KWWL and the Quincy Broadcast Group are providing a free opportunity to qualified candidates for major office to share their message on television and/or their website in advance of the November 2012 General Election. The site also helps users identify their district and the candidates seeking office in their district. http://www.kwwl.com/category/247346/candidates-and-issues

Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber sets date for Pre- Legislative Reception

The GCVAC Government Relations Committee, chaired by Mike McCrary, Lincoln Savings Bank, and GCVAC Director of Director of Government Relations Steve Firman have set December 5th, 2012 as the date for the Cedar Valley Pre- Legislative Reception. The event will take place at the Isle Casino and Hotel Waterloo, 77 Isle of Capri Blvd., at 4:30 pm.

The Pre-Session Legislative Reception is a two hour meet and mingle with area leaders from across the Cedar Valley region. Only brief introductions of the legislators in attendance, along with brief comments from each sponsor, make up the program. All area senators and representatives are invited. Investors/members should attend to indicate broad-based support for pro-market, pro-business policies and the projects and programs that will make the Cedar Valley an even better place to live and operate a business.

Sponsors for the event are the Cedar Valley Manufacturers Association, the Greater Cedar Valley Alliance & Chamber, and the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives.

More information and registration can be found here.

Responses from Representative Walt Rogers

The following responce is from Representative Walt Rogers to questions posed from GCVAC Director of Government Relations Steve Firman.

  1. Our goal for this year was to continue a budget that is predictable, sustainable and does not spend more than we take in.  We accomplished that.  Dollar for dollar, we are spending less than we did in 2010.  Business owners tell me they need state government to continue in those practices of predictability.  My principle of smaller smarter governments rests on the truth that a dollar that stays in the hands of the business owner is more efficiently spent then if it goes to government.  I will continue to work for results that follow this belief, even while the opposing party works against this idea.
  2. Tax relief is a must and will continue to be a focus for the leaders in the republican party.  We proposed five different property tax relief proposals this past session, each being denied by the Iowa Senate.  The Democrats continue to push for a band aid approach of property tax relief, calling for a buy down of rates.  This does not fix the systemic problem.   We will work for real property and income tax relief.  We will also work to eliminate feckless regulations and burdensome rules that hamstring businesses, so that they can turn their profits into jobs.


Representative Walt Rogers

Representing HD 20 –Waterloo,Cedar Falls, Hudson, and Voorhies

(515) 281-3221

Legislative Update of GCVAC/ICA

Eight weeks have passed this session.  The first funnel is behind us.  The Legislature has begun to focus on budget bills and cleaning up their debate calendars by moving smaller bills on the floor.  Often at this point in the session, some political distractions come into play.  This week that was very true.

In a dispute over how much notice was given prior to floor votes on a pair of gun laws, the House Democrats decided to leave the building in protest.  They were only gone for a few hours and business resumed later that day (the bills passed, but face an uncertain future in the Senate), but the spectacle did underscore some partisan tensions that have been simmering under the surface.  When one party has decisive control of a chamber (as is true in the House with Republicans holding 60 seats to the Democrats’ 40), it can be a frustrating experience to the minority party.  Sometimes those frustrations spill out into the public.  It’s a good reminder that partisan politics are unavoidable at the Capitol.

Otherwise, the most movement in the legislature was arguably the House passing three budget bills, including the appropriation for the Iowa Economic Development Authority.  There is some movement on the level of funding for economic development incentives in the House – they’re at the $10 million mark.  The Senate will likely come in with $20-25 million, with about $5 million flowing through to other programs.  The Alliance & Chamber strongly supports the $25 million request by the Governor to properly equip the new Iowa Economic Development Authority with the resources it needs to help Iowa compete for new development.

Tax Increment Financing continues to be discussed in the House, with the dialogue beginning to focus on time limits for TIF districts, further transparency and auditing of TIFs, and anti-piracy policies.  The Senate passed a shell bill to keep its TIF legislation alive through the funnel.  The House Ways & Means Subcommittee continues to meet and has indicated TIF would follow property tax reform action.

There were no material developments on the property tax front this week.  The Alliance continues to press for action on the issue in the Senate so that a meaningful compromise can be achieved yet this session.

As the session rolls on, it is imperative that legislators hear from the business community.  It is our responsibility to be fierce advocates for polices that promote economic growth.  This year, we have to play offense (property taxes & economic development incentives) and defense (TIF – and economic development incentives!).  Please make sure to take time this week to let your legislators know how critically important these issues are for Iowa’s economic progress.

For more information, please contact Steve Firman at SFirman@CedarValleyAlliance.com or 319- 239-6067.

View original article source by clicking here.

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